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South of the Sun: Australian fairy tales for the 21st century

South of the Sun: Australian fairy tales for the 21st century is an intercultural, illustrated anthology of contemporary fairy stories for grownups, created as a partnership between Australian Fairy Tale Society and WA publisher Serenity Press.

What a wonderful anthology of modern fairy tales this new book is! Silky to the touch, substantial to hold, you can dive in and enjoy these short & sweet tales of misadventure and allegorical truths.

Some unfold with humour, like Carmel’s Bird’s “Yes, My Darling Daughter”, with its setting on a quintessential Australian beach, juxtaposed with the Black Forest, red poisonous mushrooms and packs of wolves.

Or some unfold with strength, as in Cate Kennedy’s “GPS”. Set in a harsh, dry, eucalypt forest far from anywhere, a young girl searches for help after she is taken by a pointy-toothed stranger with an imaginary dog. Illustrated beautifully by Belinda Morris, the strong girl has a striking resemblance to Greta Thunberg.

Or you will find romance, like Louisa John-Krol’s “Pomelina the Pomegranate Fairy”. A wondrous story that weaves human and fairy romance and even editorial amendments by elementals! Sumptuously illustrated by Leila Honari, “Pomelina” delights with whimsical charm and a bit of pathos, as do all good fairy stories.


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